Tuesday, November 2, 2010


This is the Wisconsin state flag. What's all that crap crammed in the center? I'll tell you, because nobody could possibly make out all that junk flapping at the top of a pole. We have a plow, an anchor, a baking soda logo, a shovel, two pickaxes, a guy with a weird beard, a guy with a weirder hat, two shields, a cornucopia, a badger, a "forward" banner, three ropes, a lead pyramid(?), and a belt which is clearly both buckled and tied. What does this say about Wisconsin? We do all the same things all the other states do, badgers live here, and we really don't want our pants to fall down.

May I humbly suggest an alternative?
Here we have a green field representing agriculture bordered on the top and bottom by blue stripes representing Lake Michigan, Green Bay, and the many lakes and rivers in Wisconsin. I've also included a reference to DAIRY, for crying out loud. The five cheese wedges have the angular proportions of a five pointed star and create in their negative space a bold "Packers Green" W. This is a flag any Wisconsinite could fly with pride or recognize from about 40 miles away. Write your congressman.


  1. Only problem is, now it looks like yellow bared fangs... :)

  2. That only makes this flag even cooler! We see what we want to see. And therefore I see cheese!

  3. I think it would make more sense to write to a state legislator and not a congressman. But this whole series is terrific. When are you going to finish?

  4. I recently discovered this blog and all I can say is this: Give us more!

    And as a resident of New Jersey, I say THANK YOU! Your flag captures the real essence of our state.
